Football Associations across the Globe may be left with no other choice other than extending the current Season until the end of September. That means we may immediately start the new season, after the conclusion of this one.
With the entire World shifting its focus into fighting the biggest battle on hand - 'The Corona Virus', almost all the Sporting event has been thrown into chaos. For now, the entirety of the Sporting event stands suspended. These are expected to immediately start once the Corona Virus threat subsides. But will it subside?
For a Football fan, these are boring times (even though football is not the first thing on everyone's mind)! Everything stands suspended, the Champions League, the Leagues, the Cup competitions and also the Euros and the Copa America. All of the Soccer Betting Odds have gone for a toss, none of those betting scenarios holds good anymore. But then trust the betting industries' ability to innovate.
From a Football fan perspective, the big question would be whether the season has ended or whether we get to see more action. Is there any way for the season to reach a logical conclusion. If not, there would be utter chaos- who would be crowned Champions, who would be promoted, who would be relegated?
There are a thousand things at stake here, but none of them is bigger than saving millions of lives. Somebody said once that 'Football is not a matter of life and death, but much bigger than that'. But Corona Virus taught us that it was just a fancy marketing statement. But still, let's look at ways we could somehow save the season by pushing the season so far. And here are three good reasons for that.
The Corona Virus Fight will not end in a Month or Two!
When UEFA decided to postpone Champions League Final to June 27, that was on the hope that the Virus menace would have ended in a month or so. If finals need to be played on the 27th of June, all other matches to the build-up of it have to be finished by a week before. Which means, we need to start Champions League matches by at least May middle.
This is assuming that UEFA will make Champions League a priority and freeze all domestic competition till the time the premier European Club Competition reaches its logical conclusion. But in all honestly, none of this going to happen!
Europe has become the epicenter of the Corona Virus fight and it is safe to assume that we will not be in any position to kick a ball before the end of July. That ends the idea of having a normal season completed, even though that was the idea of moving Euro 2020 by a year late.
Football Players Don't Need a Break this Season
If the Corona Virus fight takes two to three months, then most of the players will be dreadful of the word 'break'. They don't need any more rest at home or time to rejuvenate. They will be happy to start fighting for the next season, the very next week.
The Only thing they will ask is the cancellation of the Training tours. But with the Corona Virus scare, there won't be any long-distance travel planned in recent times. That means we could stretch the end of League to almost the end of September. It will cause a hectic schedule next season, but then players will be more than up to that.
All About FC Barcelona is a Blog dedicated to the Most prestigous Club in the world, FC Barcelona by an ardent fan. Here I discuss about the Latest happening surrounding our Club and present my Views about the same.