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Apr 11, 2020

The 'Game of Throne' episode at Barcelona took a turn for the worst with open rebellion from members of the Board. This was inevitable, but just got delayed!

If you thought that things can't get any worse in Barcelona, then you were given a rude awakening with the latest saga. Yesterday six Barcelona Board members resigned over indifference over the way Bartomeu is handling Club affairs. Emili Rousaud, Enrique Tombas, Silvio Elias, Josep Pont, Maria Teixidor and Jordi Calsamiglia were the members who tendered their resignation.

Ironically this came on the very day when the world held services commemorating the remembrance of the crucifixion of Christ. Bartomeu and his fellow Board members have been crucifying the club's image and the present and indeed the future!

Apr 2, 2020

The constant veiled attack on Lionel Messi via Batromeu stooges suggest a complete breakdown of relationship between the President and the Captain. Is he trying to force Lionel Messi out of Barcelona.

The fight right now is between 'The President' and 'The Captain, and it seems Bartomeu has got the memo. His hurried statement following Lionel Messi's mindblowing Instagram post, suggest that. More worryingly it is now clear that there is an ongoing pitch battle between the Barcelona Board and the Players. Whichever way it ends, Barcelona could suffer heavily here!

The constant wielded attacks, the targetted campaigns which were exposed by 'BarcaGate' reveals a targetted campaign against players, especially the Captain. But what is Bartomeu's ulterior motive here? At this moment it appears to get Lionel Messi to leave the Club. It's all about power struggle; Bartomeu realizes that with Messi around he will never have absolute power!

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