Even though Barcelona let go of this Super Cup from the jaws of victory, one have to agree that it doesn't come as a huge surprise. What surprised us was that Barcelona was winning the Trophy with just a minute to go. They didn't deserve that!
In the end, there was that familiar heartbreak story that we (Barcelona Fans) were all so accustomed to now. It has to go this way. Barcelona just simply can't go and lose, they need to build up hope and then shatter it is the unkindest fashion. This time that came via Jordi Alba ducking! Why Jordi, WHY?
A day is a good measure to sink this feeling in and use the objective side of your brain if one has one! Yesterday, it was all about rage on Alba and his stupidity, which grabbed defeat from the jaws of triumph. But today with the rage settling in, one has concluded that Barcelona deserved to lose this more than winning it.
Now we wonder whether the hope which got rekindled at the start of New Year was a genuine false-hope. Most of the bookmakers like Meta.reviews still expect us to make the top four, but if this final is a testimony, Barcelona may have to work hard to make them true!